Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Almost Done

Time flies when you are having fun, right?  Not really, I have been very busy trying to finish up this quarter and then to start the new part of my life.  Being unemployed and start looking, with the help of WorkSource, to find a job that will keep me occupied during the day.
A couple of months ago I started collecting sports cards again with the idea I would sell on either Craigslist or Ebay.  So far Ebay has been better and I am selling cards.  This month has been a good month so far.  Not breaking the bank by any means but the cards are selling.  I keep a excel spreadsheet of the expenses and the profits and it is working out.
This is the last week of the college program and I will have a certificate in Computer Science Customer Support.  It will be nice to be done with this and have the certificate.  It has been a year in the making and honestly it has gone by fast.  Sometimes I don’t think so but it has.
I played in the monthly poker tournament and we dressed up in our green hats and shirts.  I happened to be the first one out of the tournament after two hours of playing.  I played a hand I shouldn’t have but the other guy did the same just because he was in position.  The last hand was the same way in that I had AK and the person next to me decided to play her J9 for fun and she got a 9 on the turn and I was out of the tournament.  Got some prizes that were meant for the first out and I took it in good cheer and I got the heck out of the casino.  So far I am staying away from the cash games building my bankroll so that I will be ready to get back to playing when college is done.
Have a fun day….

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